18 Jan Why it’s so important to keep an eye on the unregulated
In a changing world, it can be worth ruminating on how some solicitors look outside legal circles to get a better understanding of the thoughts of potential customers.
As a business, which is on the outside looking in, working with law firms, but not being lawyers, we have a different lens on the many obstacles preventing good legal providers from growing their firms.
Many of the issues could be solved by solicitors just taking time out to really understand their potential marketplace and the other legal providers within it.
For instance, it is clear to us as legal communication specialists that the majority of the public are blissfully unaware of unregulated legal services and others are just, well – ambivalent.
Whilst the issues around deregulation are much talked about in the profession, the average man on the street really has no interest in the subject, and surprisingly, some law firms fail to flag up the issue as a trigger to give them a competitive edge, say over a will writer.
The Law Society Gazette outlining a Legal Services Board report said unregulated providers were often cheaper, more innovative and more transparent with their offerings. Equally, the Gazette has mentioned in the past how many unregulated firms seem far more savvy when it comes to marketing, and have cited Google and other search engine rankings as strong examples.
Solicitors need to overcome this issue and place building their credentials as experts in law, who can be trusted, as an antidote to the growing issue of the small but flourishing unregulated sector.
Clear messages, explaining the benefits of using a lawyer must be embraced more readily, as well as concise education about the law. Equally, law firms could be advised to look at what new players are doing and follow in their footsteps.
The legal profession has changed rapidly in recent years, as has most of life, due in no small part to developments in technology, but only by championing strengths and explaining why law firms are worth the investment will many high street practices survive and thrive.
In a typically conservative profession, thankfully good law firms are embracing the challenge. It may not be what many want to do, who are used to a more gentle commercial landscape, but progress requires change.
Opportunity remains bountiful for solicitors. Trust and credibility are two solid attributes that all good law firms can use well to tackle the unregulated. It’s always something worth remembering.
Nolan PR works with law firms to help communicate with their market using innovative new strategies. If you wish to know more please get in touch with us