09 Jan 5 things businesses need to understand about Public Relations
In a world dominated by social media and 24-7 news, one might think that most businesses have a good grasp on Public Relations, but this is not always the case.
With the clamour for attention to be cited as experts at an all-time high, it makes sense to give a handful of essential building blocks to help those looking to make more of a name for themselves in 2019.
- Take time to build relationships with journalists
The words ‘taking time’ does not mean expect nothing from your PR agency, but it does mean don’t expect to be on the front page from day one, and talk through realistic expectations.
Some think PR is about pushing news updates from your business. However, we believe it is about creating a dialogue with external stakeholders such as the media, and making them understand the value of what you are doing, so they want to know more.
If you do this you create value for the business, and that is why PR is profitable.
- Consider your real USP, not hackneyed words.
Sadly, too few businesses are really able to nail what makes them different and instead use common sayings like: “We provide bespoke solutions for our clients.” You really need to crystallize what makes you different, even in an industry where you may have many competitors. Take time to talk to your PR people and see what they think. If they are any good, they’ll be honest with you.
- Leave it to the pros
The problem with most business owners is that they can become too embroiled in the day to day running of their venture to take a step back to see what others really think about their company. A third party communications expert will be able to see it with a fresh pair of eyes and the way potential customers will see you. It could be a real eye-opener!
- Tailor your communications to talk to those that matter
A broad brush approach to PR might see you get into the nationals and possibly on the radio too, but more often than not an article written for a small niche audience may prove much more useful in reaching your target audience.
In an era of information overload, this cannot be emphasised enough. A properly engaged audience ready to listen to you is worth far more than the vanity metrics of being in prestigious media, where you are likely to be of minimal interest to the majority of readers/viewers etc.
- Know that if it’s not news, it’s advertising
This can be the hardest point to digest for many businesses. There is always an ongoing battle between editorial (PR) and advertising. It may be that the story you are trying to push is just not a story, but an advert.
Pushing businesses, whilst not trying to make it look like you are advertising requires skill. It is a tightrope walk. Trust the instinct of your PR agency or else find a PR firm you can trust.
We hope these tips have been helpful and you adopt a PR strategy, which helps you soar in 2019.
If you would like to talk to us about how we can make your business stand out in 2019, then contact us today, we’d be delighted to help.