legalpr Tag

Three quarters of people buy from those they follow on social media, so why is it that huge numbers of solicitors totally neglect this rich avenue of leads? There are, of course many possible reasons, but as legal marketing experts, we can at least provide fairly...

Welcome to the silly season. The phone barely rings for many, emails slow to an almost manageable pace, and you’re trying to juggle your schedule with bored school kids, who are going through the fridge like termites through wood. The generic advice at this time of the...

Reputation has been shown to be the major factor why customers use law firms, with price coming a poor second, according to a well-respected legal survey. The Legal Services Consumer Panel has said consumers are still relying “too heavily on reputation,” and are reluctant to shop...

QualitySolicitors has admitted defeat in its plan to establish the network as the first ‘household name’ legal brand. This week’s pledge to offer a ‘boring’ package, as reported in the Law Society Gazette, that will allow member firms to decide how closely they wish to publicly...

It is sometimes not appreciated just how new social media really is, but occasionally we see a huge Public Relations own goal that makes us appreciate that it’s still very much in its infancy. In recent days, law firm Baker Small have found a place in...