05 Oct Too many law firms not embracing the buying cycle in post-GDPR world
What is the first stage in the buying cycle whether you’re selling wills or wellingtons, conveyor belts or conveyancing?
It is a question too many in the law profession are unaware of and in a much-changed world, post-GDPR, it is a question where the answer is more important than ever.
It is, of course, awareness. You may be the finest lawyer in town and have the charisma of a movie star, but if Mr. Smith does not know of you, then you are basically – invisible. Visibility in the customers’ world is the foundation stone from where all good law firms start.
After this, in the buying cycle process comes consideration, where the customer can evaluate whether your offering meets his or her need.
We then have preference or intent, where the rumination of whether a purchase should be made moves along the pipeline before we finally get to the next stage which is, purchase.
In the ideal world, a then happy customer becomes more than a one-off buyer and you have someone for life.
It’s all straightforward stuff when you think it through, but with many frightened off from email marketing in a post-GDPR world, there are many firms allowing themselves to slip off the radar of many potential customers.
The word, ‘radar’ is a great one, because it says it exactly as it is. After all, we all think we are memorable, but ask yourself how many times you have thought of some ideal product, person or service you need to help your business, but then forgot their name because they fell off your radar.
The post-GDPR world hasn’t changed things as greatly as some had thought. People have to be more careful now with personal data, but it does not mean the end of marketing.
In a competitive world, it is vital to get your voice heard but do it gently. Prepare content for each stage of the buying process. Don’t try the hard sell when your name isn’t even yet known.
The best law firms navigate change as it is, rather than what it was, accepting the inevitability of a fast-moving world. GDPR’s obstacles will be hopped over by these, but yet many better lawyers will lose out due to not having their worthy voices heard. Make sure you’re not one of them!
Need some help with your legal communications? If so, we at Nolan PR are happy to help. We’ve been helping law firms with “legal PR” for many years, so get in touch if you’d like to chat.