It can hardly have failed to escape your notice that whenever you return back to your desk following a holiday one of the first jobs is to get rid of the several billion emails that has landed in your inbox whilst you’re away. That is unless...

  Whilst the growth of Social Media continues to show no sign of slowing down, the good old email is still a major player of any media relations or marketing campaign. Whatever your view of it, email isn’t set to disappear in the near future, so with...

Former US president Dwight Eisenhower’s had a mantra “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” It’s quite profound, but when you think of it this makes perfect sense. It isn’t urgent that I eat healthily today, but if I fail...

This isn’t exactly a revelation, but as a nation we’ve never been so fat and the subject is never far away from the media. However, despite the so called obesity epidemic, it seems there is not enough healthy eating and lifestyle organisations capitalising on the PR...

Many of you will have heard the news that property search company Zoopla have decided to end their association with Premier league club West Bromwich Albion over an alleged racist gesture by one of their players. Whilst on the face of it this is a straightforward...

In recent months Google quietly announced pretty big changes to the way it does it searches, in a move which could have significant implications for the PR industry. It is a change ensuring that quality will now win the race to the top of Google rankings...

I suppose it depends on your business, but the last couple of days I’m just beginning to detect that thoughts of Santa are beginning to envelop the nation. It’s always about now that we are beginning to wind down. The first week of December, I think it’s...

If you’ve decided to outsource your public relations work I wonder how you went about it? Did you Google “PR agencies”? Perhaps you visited a couple of swish websites, looked up their credentials, then shortlisted a few based on first impressions? Then, taken in by groovy offices...

Before any of you post another comment on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc, I urge you to read this tale, which highlights just how dangerous not being totally switched on when you’re posting can be. It is a storm in which I’ve been placed in the...